Wednesday, September 29, 2010


One of my favorite topics popped up in the news the other day... aliens!

It seems a group of Air Force veterans held a press conference in DC the other day to discuss how they believe aliens from another planet visited Earth and somehow interfered with our nuclear weapons.

In the realm of possibility, where does this fall?  Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.  Some people might argue that aliens couldn't exist or we would already know about them.  I would argue that maybe they don't want us to know about them.

Maybe there is some rule among space travelers that says you don't interfere with another civilization, especially a primitive one, because of the effect it could have on life on that planet.

We do almost the same thing when we send spacecraft up in space.  All of the stuff that goes up is thoroughly decontaminated so that we don't accidentally release some Earth-borne virus or bacteria into space where it could do damage.

Perhaps advanced civilizations have learned that interfering with primitive civilizations like ours causes all sorts of turmoil.

But alas, our civilization discovered how to split the atom.  Intergalactic Geiger counters across the Universe sprung to life.  They had to come see what was going on and perhaps save us from ourselves.

Or maybe, we're all just a big experiment, like Douglas Adams implies in his Hitchhiker series, for another civilization.

Who knows?  It sure is interesting to think about and at least as plausible as any other theory of our existence out there.

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