Sunday, July 20, 2014

Reasons to Hate Huffington Post

I used to like The Huffington Post.  Lately, however, they are getting really annoying.  I don't think it's the actual Huffington Post, but instead their Facebook feed that shows up in my stream.  I suspect what I'm seeing is based on what I've clicked on before, so I guess this is more a problem with Facebook than Huffington Post, but either way, I hate it.  So, here are the reasons I hate Huffington Post and their feed on my Facebook stream;

1. Lists (See what I did there, clever eh?) -  15 of this, 9 of that, top 7 of the other.  I'm constantly bombarded by numbered lists of something.  Can't you just write an article without turning it into a list?  I understand the Top 10 format, it's tried and true and OK with me, but looking at the main HuffPo page right now they have lists of 10, 5, 15, 9, 30, 10, 12, 5, 10, and 8.  Really?  30?  It's getting annoying, HuffPo.

2.  Sriracha - I guess the Sriracha crisis is mostly over, but HuffPo coverage drove me mad.  The company that makes the popular Sriracha hot sauce was being sued or something by neighbors near that plant where it's made.  Noxious fumes and the like as you can imagine.  So HuffPo had at least two articles about it every day, as if the sky were falling.  Oh no, what are all the hipsters going to do if they can't have their hot sauce!  Every article was like that.  Whoever writes the comments for the Facebook page also had to insert some stupid comment too, like "No Sriracha!  The end is nigh!"

3.  Marijuana is Legal! - When Colorado and the other state (wherever that was) legalized marijuana, HuffPo could not refrain themselves from pro-weed commentary.  Yeah, I get it, it's mildly amusing, weed is legal in Colorado, "let's all move there."  How many times can you tell that joke before it gets old?  HuffPo sure surpassed that number, whatever it is.  I'm fairly liberal and I don't really care about the legalization issue, but I have no interest in smoking pot and never have, so really, that joke gets old very quickly.

4.  Stupid JPG Complilations - There are way too many "articles" on HuffPo that are just dumb commentary or opinion reinforced by even dumber and mostly irrelevant clipart and animated JPGs.  Most of the time it's stock clips that everyone with an Internet connection has seen a dozen times already that only marginally relate to whatever it is they are writing about.

OK, so I could only get to four.  HuffPo wouldn't care, they'd run the story anyway.  4 Reasons to Hate HuffPo.

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